Ambient or unlocated light

Generally, the Global ambient light is of very limited use. Even a small amount of it will cause subtle shading to disappear. It is preferable to use a scattering of dim sources to feign this. In many cases, low intensity point sources can be placed both within and without a room. Be sure not to allow these to line up, because they will have a cumulative effect along the created axis. With careful adjustment, these small sources can lighten areas of rooms effected by brilliant directional rays, such as the shafts of sunlight coming through windows.

Sometimes aspects of ambient light are possible through the use of parallel lights. One may make rectangular parallel lights the shape of walls having a very short fall off distanceperhaps 2 or 3 units. Adjusted to an appropriate intensity, these may then be located just a unit away from a similar sized wall. In this manner, only a specific wall will be affected, and other walls in the view can have the amount of illumination correct for them.

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